CoorsCowboy's Quotes Page

CoorsCowboy's Quotes Page II

My Favorite

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"The efficient man is the man who thinks for himself." --Charles W. Eliot

"It's hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head." --Sally Kempton

"We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. --Maxwell Maltz

"Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame." --Erica Jong

"Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrong." -- Charlotte Bronte

"Everybody knows that if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something." --Gertrude Stein

"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else." --Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull

"Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves--to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterday by our today." --Stewart B. Johnson

"When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get them, but you won't come up with a handful of mud, either." --Leo Burnett

"Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right person." --Ethel Watts Mumford

"To escape criticism - do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." --Elbert Hubbard

"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary." --Winston Churchill

"Never answer a critic, unless he's right." --Bernard Baruch

"Today is the blocks with which we build." --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist." --Gail Sheehy

"I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act." --Abraham Maslow

"Don't waste today regretting yesterday instead of making a memory for tomorrow." --Laura Palmer

"Wisdom never kicks at the iron walls it can't bring down." --Olive Schreiner

"Whatever I do, I give up my whole self to it." --Edna St. Vincent Millay

"Fear is nature's warning signal to get busy." --Henry Link

"Inches make a champion." --Vince Lombardi

"We will either find a way, or make one." --Hannibal

"The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes." --Napoleon

"Circumstances - what are circumstances? I make circumstances." --Napoleon Bonaparte

"You cannot be friends upon any other terms than upon the terms of equality." --Woodrow Wilson

"You have to take it as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it." --German proverb

"Great things are accomplished by talented people who believe they will accomplish them." --Warren Bennis

"Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." --Mark Twain

"Lord grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish." --Michelangelo

"On the human chessboard, all moves are possible." --Miriam Schiff
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